Kemetology... a retrospective in Black Culture

Kemetology... a retrospective in Black Culture


Kemetology is a mini documentary by artist/percussionist Marcus L. Miller. This is the first installment in an upcoming series of documentary releases.

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Kemetology... a documentary by Marcus L. Miller

Kemetology is the study (or story) of the original, first civilization of people who inhabited the earth and it's generations of descendants. The Kemetic peoples (4236 B.C.E.) predated the Egyptians civilization (3500 B.C.E.) by over 700 years. Proof of their existence was left in stone carvings and sculptures throughout various parts of the world. We are the living proof of their existence in our genetic makeup. This is who we are and what we do!

*Because of file size limitations, the documentary is presented in a lower resolution . If you would like to obtain a 1080 dp version, please click here.