World Percussion Playground
…a hands-on percussive experience
Other Topics Covered
Western music notation uses the value of notes to assist with determining the components of the rhythm.
• Sub-division of counts (Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth, Sixteenth, Thirty-Second)
2. A clave is a rhythmic motif.
• Examples are 3-2 Son clave, 6-8 African clave, 4-4 Western clave
3. The meter of a song is often used to help convey the Rhythm.
• common examples: 4/4, 6/8, 3/4, 2/4, 12/8, 5/8, 7/8, 10/8)
• x/y= no. of beats per measure/value of each beat
Field Trip Curriculum
Who makes rhythm? All living creatures and many inanimate objects
Activity: Participants name things that make rhythm
What is Rhythm? The beat. One of the 3 components that make up music (melody & harmony).
Where is rhythm found? In all living creatures, nature, mechanical machinery.
• Examples (the heartbeat, the ocean’s currents, a running engine, an earthquake)
Activity: Participants give an example of rhythm.
Why do we need rhythm? It provides a pulse which enables life or it’s the catalyst for movement in an inanimate object.
• Example (The heartbeat is the rhythm of life.)
When is rhythm used? Constantly & Continually
• Example (The rotation of the earth around the sun & the rotation of the moon around the earth)
How is rhythm made? Two opposing forces or sounds are juxtaposed together.
• Example (High & Low tones-“Hello”)
Activity: Participants demonstrate an example of a type of rhythm. (Clap, Walk, Skip, Speak)